
"For the sound of a broken heart,
Crack a joke."

-A.E. Stallings

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Google, how I love thee....

Today turned into one of my baking days, and as per my usual, this resulted in me perusing what google had to offer as I contemplated my choices. You see, I have this habit of setting my heart on cooking when I know that I have limited ingredients, thus resulting in some interesting substitutions that can fall equally along the good and bad spectrums. Luckily, today decided to be a 'good' day.

This was due, in large part, to the blog of Baker Bettie. Please take a moment and be adventurous enough to visit her because I promise, it will be well worth it. Her instructions were seeded with personal tidbits that kept me interested as well as being concise and easy to follow.

So, in all, my endeavors have left me with 2 1/2 dozen of my own recipe of double chocolate chip cookies, and, thanks to Bettie, a little over a dozen of her Cheddar and Thyme puff pastries.

Queue my happy dances and penchant to tell my loved ones, "Eat it!"

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