
"For the sound of a broken heart,
Crack a joke."

-A.E. Stallings

Monday, December 9, 2013

Everything Must Have a Beginning

How does one begin such a thing as this: this blog, this journal, this--hell,let's call it what it is--diary? Gah, a diary! And not even one that's kind enough to keep my secrets to itself. Who could really dream that such secrets, such common thoughts, and even such t.m.i. moments would be broad casted via a medium open to the entirety of our planet? When I was young--ahem, younger--and a teacher asked my class to doodle what the future would bring, I daydreamed about flying cars, apartments on the moon, and stars within my pockets. Well, the twenty-first century is sorely lacking, but hey! we've got Facebook! (Insert thinly veiled sarcasm there for those who don't know me better).

Yet, sarcasm aside, I have to concede that despite my grumblings--and if you stick with me awhile, there will probably be many--I'm here, sharing with each and everyone one of you who deigns to read along with my ramblings a few secrets, a myriad of common thoughts, and a great deal of t.m.i.

So, stay with me awhile, and hm, how do these stories begin? Ah, yes, I remember: Dear Diary....

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