
"For the sound of a broken heart,
Crack a joke."

-A.E. Stallings

Monday, August 31, 2015


...of a sort. You see, I am still unsure of what my topic for this blog should be. In truth, it's been a run on ramble. But hey! let's go ahead and start at the beginning, shall we?

This blog was created as a means of doing something. I was unemployed, I was panicking, and I was overstuffed with college rhetoric. Now, don't take that to mean that I'm not the same verbose, opinionated woman... because I am. I'm merely coming to the realization that my ideas and such are becoming more linear, and less inclined to jump around like a bunny on drugs after hopping from one class to another.

So, the epiphany? I'm a geek. Hmm, that may be an oversimplification. I am a fantasy obsessed, video game playing, poetry writing, scifi watching, urban fantasy reading geek!

What does this mean? I'm tired of playing into the hype. There seems to be this idea that writers have to write meaningful, poignant, world-rattling literature, and I call bullshit. I've watched friends use their writing like ammunition against themselves: themselves! Why should they care if what they've written is worth publication, or some lofty award? Haven't we formed classifications over time to wrap a myriad of people into the genre of being an artist? Shouldn't the expelling of emotion and thought be allowed to be just that? An expelling of what weighs us down, of what intrigues us, and of what we hope for the future?

This hype, this expectation, this weight, it seems to say to so many that rough drafts don't exist, that their first syllables across the page should be perfect. Must I say it again? Bullshit! Being a writer should mean that words are your outlet, your means of expression. But it should also mean that you can recognize the eloquence even amongst your perceived gibberish, and that you can recognize your rough draft for what it is: the first step. We don't get anywhere in this world with just one step, and if we did? It would be boring. Come on, think of old'll feel left out if only your right foot got all of the action!

So, what am I saying? I am saying try, try, try... and try again. Take your ideas and let them build over time. Write your shitty rough drafts, your post it notes to yourself, your diamonds amongst the coal, and keep creating. I mean, you're a writer, right?

this writer who is taking her own advice.